
Primary LanguageVim Script

nvim configuration file

for Mac

brew install nvim

for Ubuntu

see this

for Win


add init.vim file

  • create a "nvim" dir in
  • copy paste this init.vim file in

install Vim Plug

see this

install live_grep

see this

make sure that you have Python3.6+ installed

specify your Py directory in init.vim configuration file

let g:python3_host_prog = '/usr/local/bin/python3'

you have to put your Py3 dir

make sure to have deoplete dependences installed

see this

open init.vim file with nvim

nvim init.vim

run PlugInstall inside nvim


check plugin health (Telescope, ...) inside nvim

:checkhealth Telescope

install Lsp server in nvim


enjoy being a man
