I'm hooked on a feelin'
I'm high on believin'
Current "Custom" Components:
- SwerveModule.Kt. Defines and configures a swerve module(1 wheel each) based on params provided in constants. Includes a public setSpeeds() method used to control.
- DriveTrain.Kt. Defines and configures a swerve drivetrain with 4 swerve modules. includes several public methods to use drivetrain, cheif among them being drive(), which takes in a Translation2d and sets motors accordingly.
- Camerasubsystem.kt. Interacts with the limelight camera and uses photonvision. includes a distancetotarget method and assoc.
- Add the camera and create a command to drive to the trajectory described by the target.
- lx = h/Tan(P)
- ly = lx/Tan(Y)
- create a translation2d based on those
As much as possible, this code follows the Android Kotlin Style Guide, with the following exceptions:
- Wildcard imports are allowed only for
Rationale: Seldom will units be imported individually; they are almost always all needed. Due to the small number of units available, this should not hinder compile times and should actually be beneficial for readability.
import frc.robot.lib.units.*
- Imports are not ASCII-sorted. Rationale: Sorting would take too much time for relatively little gain.
The base units for all measurements in this codebase are meters (length), degrees (angle), and seconds (time).
To avoid confusion, always use one of the following to specify the unit of a given measurement. These are defined in lib/Units.kt
Name | Conversion factor |
.meters |
1 |
.inch |
0.0254 |
.deg |
1 |
.rad |
~57.2957795 |
- Team 364, for their BaseFalconSweve code, used in much of our sverwe implementation
- Team 3512, for their SwereBot-2022 code, used to adapt 364's swerve code to fit NEO motors
- The RevRobotics, Kauai Labs, and PhotonVision teams for their vendor libraries
- Brenek Harrison, for the "Kotlin for FRC" extension
- Get odomotery working(again)
- test current commands on drivetrain
- add subsystems for radial, extension arms and gripper
{ "configurations": [ { "name": "TowardsAuburn2023 [deploy]", "type": "gradle", "tasks": ["deploy"], "args": [""], "initScripts": {"flmapper":"ext.mapPath = { path -> null }"} }, { "name": "TowardsAuburn2023 [build]", "type": "gradle", "tasks": ["build"], "args": [""], "initScripts": {"flmapper":"ext.mapPath = { path -> null }"} } ] }
LEFT: 3 = arm up 5 = arm down
RIGHT: 4 = suck in 6 = spit out
trigger/1 = EMERGENCY STOP ROTATIONAL thumb/2 = stop gripper
pick up: 4, 2, 6, 1
drop off: 2, 5, 1, 6