
Basic Autonomous

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Since we're trying a variety of new methods to doing autonomous this year, we'll need to break it up into its' smallest parts (within reason) and tackle them one at a time.

Our plan right now is to generate a path using Jaci's Pathfinder, then follow that path using a velocity PID controller on the talons.

We can preview what the paths will look like (assuming we use feet for units of length) using Vannaka's Motion Profile Sensor, fitted completely with a to-scale image of the FRC 2018 playing field to see what the path will actually look like.

  • Preparation
    • Mount encoders
    • Plug encoders into talons
    • Set slave talons
  • Generating a Path:
    • Set Waypoints
    • Set maximum vel., acc., and jerk (measure using encoders)
    • Set Wheelbase
  • Following a Path:
    • Without Phoenix:
      • Configure encoder followers
      • Tune PID
    • With Phoenix:
      • Feed path into Talon (...somehow)
      • Tune PID

Since using the data ports on the Talon SRX is new to us, and since it'll take a bit more time, we're going to create two path followers: One that runs on the talons, and one that runs on the RIO. We're going to prioritize the RIO path follower first before we try to take on the talon path follower.

Might split this into two or three issues: Path generation, path following, and possibly path following using TalonSRX.

Yeah, let's split it.