
Code for The Outliers' 2016 FRC robot

Primary LanguageJava

Build Status Stories in Ready


Code for The Outliers' 2016 FRC robot

Getting Started

  1. Install IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

  2. Clone this repository using Git

  3. If using Windows, open a command prompt in the repository and enter the following commands

    > gradlew
    > gradlew idea
  4. If using Mac/ Linux, open a command prompt in the repository and enter the following commands

    > ./gradlew
    > ./gradlew idea
  5. Double-click on Outlier1.ipr to open the project in IntelliJ IDEA

Note that you can use the Terminal window in IntelliJ for future command-prompt/ terminal needs (like deploying code).

See 'GradleRIO4Dummies.txt' for more information.