8214 FRC 2022
Team 8214's 2022 FRC robot code, written in Java and NI's custom robot control framework NI-Skeleton.
The code is written by Jetbrains Idea and follows NI's programming format(NI-Programming-Guide).
Setup Instructions
- Clone this repo
- Run
to download gradle and needed FRC/Vendor lib - Run
./gradlew tasks
to see available options
VS Code(Official IDE)
- Install WPILIB extension through market
- Right click
and enjoy
- Install FRC plugin through market
- Choose the build task and enjoy
Code Highlights
- Custom robot control framework, run robot control loop in 100-200hz(Org 50hz)
- All subsystems are built as state-machine
- Virtual OI layer for clean teleop and auto control logic
- Field-centric swerve drive
- Full time auto-aim through limelight 3 and odometry(Shoot even limelight broken and never lost target)
- Automatic wrong ball rejection by color sensor and fused odometry(Shoot to hanger automatically)
- REV color sensor data in UART by Pico
- Feedforward compensation to turret control through chassis angular velocity and relative velocity to vision target
- System identification to flywheel, run fly wheel by simple feedforward model
- Build shooting parameters by linear interpolated tree map(Hood angle & flywheel rpm)
- Semi-automated climber through state-machine using encoder positions and Bang-bang Controller
- Trajectory generator based on Quintic Hermite Spline with swerve kinematic constrain
- Drive motion planner based on Adaptive Pure Pursuit and Pure P Controller
- Fused odometry in Unscented Kalman Filter base on wheel, IMU, and vision odometry
- Mode chooser and executer based on action