Quickly bootstrap a new project with Vite Boilerplate.
This boilerplate contains all the tools you need to build a modern web app with TypeScript, React, Vite, Storybook and Express.
You can use it to quickly bootstrap your project.
ESLint, stylelint, prettier, husky and lintstaged are configured to give you a solid development experience.
First, create a repository from this template.
Now you are ready to go:
npm install
This will install the dependencies required to run the boilerplate.
npm run client:dev
npm run server:dev
Boom! These scripts run your client and server in development mode.
If you like to work with Storybook, you can run it like this:
npm run storybook
To build the project, run:
npm run build
This will build the client, server and storybook.
npm start
In production, you have a single server serving everything.
is the API endpoint.
is the Storybook.
is the client.
A test runner is not installed (right now). But TypeScript, linter and prettier are checked on commit and push thanks to husky and lintstaged.