
A simple Rock-Paper-Scissors game using Convolution Neural Network in Python, where using the webcam (using OpenCV) you can play your move and see yourself who's the winner - You or the Computer.

Primary LanguagePython


A simple Rock-Paper-Scissors game using Convolution Neural Network in Python, where using the webcam (using OpenCV) you can play your move and see yourself who's the winner - You or the Computer.


Major requiremnets are-

  • Python3
  • Keras
  • Tensorflow
  • OpenCV

Other requirements and dependencies alongwith the above ones are mentioned in the requirements.txt file.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install dependencies using the following command in a terminal.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Collect images for each 4 gestures(i.e. rock, paper, scissors and none) along with proper arguements. For e.g.-
python gather_images.py scissors 200
  1. Train the model using the following command-
python train.py
  1. Test the model with any image. For e.g.-
python test.py 5.jpg
  1. Play the game with your computer!
python play.py
