A text based RPG written in C#. Initial commit source code is not mine.

Primary LanguageC#


A text based RPG written in C#. Initial commit source code is not mine. This was a project in school we did to get us comfortable and familiar with C#. I took a bit further by adding a UI system and various other smaller things such a Monster/Mercenary Generator, Settings file, etc. I plan to work on it a bit further later on, or just scrap it completely and rewrite it.


You're a hero and you've been captured and trapped in an arena! You're doomed to fight enemies forever! Although convenient to you, enemies drop gold, and there's a shop available in between fights. Spend your gold on better items, health potions, etc at the shop to improve your chances of surviving! There's three enemy difficulties to fight, Easy, Medium, and Hard. Be careful of who you fight, because there's only a slim chance of running away, and if you fail, they may just defeat you...


  • Give the game your Heroes name, once it's locked in you'll be presented with the Home screen!
  • Fight some enemies to increase your gold collection.
  • Use that gold to buy Weapons, Armour, Shields and Potions in the shop.
  • Weapons have a strength (Damage), which stacks on your current strength.
  • Armour and Shields both add to your pre-existing defense as they stack just like strength.
  • Potions (Currently only Health Potions) heal you by the amount of health it contains, does not heal over max health.
  • You can gain achievements, they're kinda/ sorta secretive, but I'm sure you could find them easily. (Hint: They all involve defeating Monsters!)
  • One last very important thing, if your health reaches or goes below 0, you die! And GameOver for that character, you'll just have to try your luck again with a new hero!

Good Luck!