
A repository for source dependencies used by CPython builds.

Primary LanguagePython

CPython deps

A meta-package for building the binary packages that are required to compile CPython on Android, iOS and macOS. This includes:

  • BZip2 (Android only)
  • XZ
  • libFFI (iOS and Android only)
  • mpdecimal
  • OpenSSL
  • Tcl/Tk (macOS only)
  • ncurses (macOS only)
  • SQLite (macOS only)

The repository works by downloading, patching, and building binaries for each SDK target and architecture that is requried. The compiled library is packed into a tarball for distribution in "installed" form - that is, the contents of the include and lib folders are included.

The binaries support:

  • Android 21
    • ARM64
    • armv7
    • x86_64
    • x86
  • iOS 13.0
    • ARM64 devices
    • ARM64 simulators
    • x86_64 simulators
  • macOS 11.0
    • "universal2" ARM64+x86_64


Unless you're trying to directly link against one of these libraries, you don't need to use this repository. When you obtain a CPython build for an Apple platform, it will have already been linked using these libraries.

If you do need to link against these libraries for some reason, you can use the pre-compiled versions that are published on the Github releases page <https://github.com/beeware/cpython-apple-source-deps/releases>__. You don't need to compile them yourself.

However, if you do need to compile your own version for some reason:

  • Clone this repository
  • Create a Python 3 virtual environment
  • Obtain the Android Command line tools, and set the ANDROID_HOME environment variable
  • Ensure that you have a Java SDK installed, and either JAVA_HOME is set, or javac is available in your path.
  • Ensure you have XCode installed, with the macOS and iOS developer kits installed
  • In the root directory, run python -m build-dep <library name> --host <host>.

For example, python -m build-dep bzip2 --host universal2-apple-darwin will compile a Universal2 build of bzip2 for macOS. You can optionally pass in --version to build a specific version, or --build to apply a build identifier.

This should:

  1. Download the original source packages
  2. Patch them as required for compatibility with the selected OS
  3. Build the libraries for the selected OS and architecture
  4. Package a tarball containing build products.

The resulting artefacts will be packaged as .tar.gz files in the dist folder.