Jabroni let's you connect to your SQLite database over WebSockets and query your data. Jabroni also generates a type-safe typescript client library that provides an API similar to the browser's built in fetch
- List rows in a table.
- Select specific columns to be returned.
- Paginate results by using a page number.
- Batch insert rows.
- Create, Read, Update and Delete a single rows.
- Round robin connection pooling, to solve socket congestion.
- Type safe client library.
- All the benefits of a WebSocket connection.
- Authorization using a JWT
- Support for table joins
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf https://github.com/frectonz/jabroni/releases/download/0.1.0/jabroni-installer.sh | sh
powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm https://github.com/frectonz/jabroni/releases/download/0.1.0/jabroni-installer.ps1 | iex"
nix shell github:frectonz/jabroni
docker run \
-e DATABASE=/data/sample.sqlite3 \
-v $(pwd)/sample.sqlite3:/data/sample.sqlite3 \
frectonz/jabroni \
Start a jabroni server
$ jabroni sample.sqlite3 serve
2024-11-13T11:29:13.776666Z INFO jabroni::db: found 13 tables in sample.sqlite3
2024-11-13T11:29:13.776809Z INFO jabroni: listening on:
Start a jabroni server on a custom address
$ jabroni sample.sqlite3 serve --address localhost:4949
2024-11-13T11:34:21.546608Z INFO jabroni::db: found 13 tables in sample.sqlite3
2024-11-13T11:34:21.547339Z INFO jabroni: listening on: localhost:4949
Generate a jabroni client library for a database
The jabroni client library depends on zod
and nanoid
, so you should have them installed in your project.
$ jabroni sample.sqlite3 generate -o jabroni.ts
2024-11-13T11:32:10.130350Z INFO jabroni::db: found 13 tables in sample.sqlite3
2024-11-13T11:32:10.130458Z INFO jabroni: generating client library
2024-11-13T11:32:10.133559Z INFO jabroni: client library generated at jabroni.ts
Example usage of the client library
import { nanoid } from "nanoid";
import { makeWebSocketFetch } from "./jabroni.ts";
// Initialize client library
const $fetch = await makeWebSocketFetch({
url: "ws://",
connectionCount: 10,
// Fetch all rows and all columns in the "employees" table
const resp = $fetch({
type: "ListRows",
table: "employees",
select: [],
request_id: nanoid(),
// Only fetch the "FirstName" and "LastName" columns
const resp = $fetch({
type: "ListRows",
table: "employees",
select: ["FirstName", "LastName"],
request_id: nanoid(),
// Sort response on the "FirstName" column
const resp = $fetch({
type: "ListRows",
table: "employees",
select: ["FirstName", "EmployeeId"],
sort: { column: "FirstName", order: "Asc" },
request_id: nanoid(),
// Paginate response
const resp = $fetch({
type: "ListRows",
table: "employees",
page: { number: 2, size: 2 },
request_id: nanoid(),
// Inset a new emplyoee in the "employees" table
const resp = $fetch({
type: "InsertRow",
table: "employees",
data: {
FirstName: "John",
LastName: "Doe",
Phone: "+1 (780) 428-9482",
Email: "johndoe@test.com",
Title: "General Manager",
Fax: "+1 (780) 428-3457",
Address: "11120 Jasper Ave NW",
City: "Edmonton",
State: "AB",
Country: "Canada",
BirthDate: "1962-02-18 00:00:00",
HireDate: "2002-08-14 00:00:00",
PostalCode: "T5K 2N1",
ReportsTo: null,
request_id: nanoid(),
// ...
It's a cool word.