
FiSH encryption plugin for HexChat

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

FiSH HexChat Encryption Plugin


This is the FiSH encryption plugin for HexChat, providing encryption support for the FiSH protocol. FiSH is a simple encryption protocol used in IRC for secure communication. This plugin allows users to encrypt and decrypt messages, set encryption keys, and perform Diffie-Hellman key exchanges.


  • Message Encryption: Encrypt outgoing messages using the FiSH encryption protocol.
  • Message Decryption: Decrypt incoming encrypted messages and display the decrypted content.
  • Key Management: Set, delete, and view encryption keys for channels or individual users.
  • Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange: Perform key exchanges to establish secure communication channels.


  • gio

  • openssl

  • hexchat

  • meson

Windows - Visual Studio

  1. Clone or download the repository.
  2. Open the project in Visual Studio.
  3. Build the solution.
  4. Copy the compiled DLL file (e.g., Blowfish.dll) to the HexChat plugins folder (usually located in the HexChat installation directory).

Meson User Install

For local installation, follow these steps:

meson builddir
ninja -C builddir install

Meson System Install

For system-wide installation, use the following commands:

meson builddir
ninja -C builddir
sudo ninja -C builddir install

These commands assume you have Meson and Ninja installed on your system. Adjust the options according to your project's requirements.


  • /SETKEY [<nick or #channel>] [<mode>:]<password>: Set the encryption key for a channel or user. Modes: ECB, CBC.
  • /DELKEY [<nick or #channel>]: Delete the encryption key for a channel or user.
  • /KEY [<nick or #channel>]: View the encryption key for a channel or user.
  • /KEYX [<nick>]: Initiate a Diffie-Hellman key exchange with the specified user.
  • /SETTOPIC+ <topic>: Set an encrypted topic for the current channel.
  • /MARKER [<append|prepend|disabled>]: Set the message marker mode for encrypted messages.


  • Configuration File: The plugin uses a configuration file named blowfish.conf to store encryption keys. It is located in the HexChat config directory.
  • You can set a password in keymanagement.h or in hexchat_plugin.cpp


  1. Load the plugin using the command /load blowfish.
  2. Set encryption keys using /SETKEY.
  3. Communicate securely with encrypted messages.
  4. Perform Diffie-Hellman key exchanges with /KEYX.
  5. Manage encryption keys with /KEY and /DELKEY.


  • Version: 1.0.1


This plugin is provided as-is and does not guarantee absolute security. Use it responsibly and be aware of its limitations.


Feel free to contribute to the development or report issues on the GitHub repository.