Akaneo PIM Test

Environment to try out Akeneo PIM on a Vagrant VM



Clone repo (or fork and then clone yours):

$ git clone https://github.com/brichter89/akeneo-pim-test.git

Copy <project>/config/config.yaml.dist to <project>/config/config.yaml and change config values as needed in config.yaml. Change hostname to something unique to use it via DHCP. If you want to leave standard configuration just ignore this step. Vagrant will automatically create a local copy of config.yaml.dist

Power on VM:

$ vagrant up

this powers on the VM and starts initial provisioning.

While you're waiting, download the Akeneo PIM zip file and extract the contents of pim-community-standard-vX.X.X-XXX/ to the akeneo dir in your project.

When provisioning is done you can ssh into the VM with

$ vagrant ssh

and install akeneo:

$ akeneo-install

(this might take about 30 minutes)

Connect to your PIM application

Go to and login with or - if your DHCP supports this - use http:/// (the hostname you have set in your config.yaml)

  • username: admin
  • password: admin
