
An unofficial dynamic DNS (DDNS) service for Name.com domains.

Primary LanguageC#


UnofficialDDNS is a Windows service which provides Dynamic DNS for regular registrars. Instead of signing up with a dynamic DNS provider and creating a CNAME record at your registrar to point to your dynamic DNS (for example: homeserver.mydomain.com -> alfred1986.dynamicdnsprovider.info), UnofficialDDNS cuts out the middle man and creates A records directly.

When installed, UnofficialDDNS removes all existing A and CNAME records from the domain you specify (for example, homeserver.mydomain.com or mydomain.com if you'd like) and adds a new A record which is the IP address of the computer running UnofficialDDNS. By default the service checks if your IP address has changed every hour, and if it fails (no internet, etc) it retries in 15 minutes.

Additional information is on the project's wiki. The Linux/Unix version is UnofficialDDNSnix.

Supported Registrars

Currently Name.com is the only supported registrar. Go to https://www.name.com/reseller to apply for an API token. UnofficialDDNS needs the following:

  • Name.com user name.
  • API token.
  • The (sub)domain which will point to your server.

It might take a couple of days to get a reply from their customer support with your token.

Supported Platforms

Both 32 and 64-bit versions of the following operating systems are supported. The .NET Framework 4.5 is required as well.

Desktop OS Server Equivalent
Windows VistaWindows Server 2008
Windows 7Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows 8Windows Server 2012