
Significance of 'Table' and 'Lunchable' columns?

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I'm trying to adapt this for use in my own organization and I can't find the documentation that explains the meaning of the 'Table' and 'Lunchable' columns. I expected the table to be assigned by the script, but if I remove the data from that column the script crashes. I would assume that the latter indicates whether or not to assign the given person to a group for a given execution of the script, which would allow people and their history to remain in the data file but skip one iteration of the program if, for instance, they were out of town, but it would be nice to have that confirmed.

Hi there! Nice to see someone dusting this off. The table indicates where folks already sit during their normal days, not at lunch. The idea, I think, was to prioritize people from different tables as being more interesting (e.g. if a given lunch group had everyone who already sits next to each other eating lunch together, it'd be less than idea.) Hope that helps and good luck 🍱

Thank you - that makes good sense. We're a larger organization, so I think that the equivalent for us would be buildings. Given our layout, that's actually a really helpful added source of variety.

Great, glad you're finding it valuable :)

Hi there! I think it'd probably help to have some Ruby knowledge to get this running. You might try asking ChatGPT how to get started (e.g. "I'm running macOS and want to run a ruby script, how do I install the right dependencies?", etc.) for help if you get stuck, it can be useful for beginners trying to understand error codes, etc.

For what it's worth, I don't know any Ruby and was able to get it running using the README and by adapting my employee information to map logically onto the existing categories for matching.