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Musings with go1.18 generics to implement a few simple algorithms.

This repository reflects ongoing research to explore the capabilities of the new go1.18 generics.

This is applied research, seeking to reduce the boiler plate and/or generated code on useful patterns. Most patterns that I am exploring here revolve around the idea of slicing or regrouping elements from an iterable data stream.


A collection of iterator utitilies:

  • an iterator is essentially something that knows what's Next() bool and collects the next available Item() T
  • the iterators package exposes 3 generic variants:
    1. A simple iterator over an underlying slice []T (e.g. to build mocks, etc)
    2. SQL rows iterator using github.com/jmoiron/sqlx.Rows and the StructScan(interface{}) error method. (this is used to iterate over unmarshaled structs scanned from a SQL cursor).
    3. A ChanIterator that joins a collection of input iterators in parallel (the result is unordered).
    4. A TransformIterator that applies a data transform on the iterations of some other base iterator.

NOTE: I like the iterator pattern a lot when it comes to fetch from a database an arbitrary number of rows. Iterators allow a stream of data to traverse all the layers of an app without undue intermediary buffering.

Sample code: see the full testable example

    // create DB with some data

	// open a cursor selecting over the test data.
    // Typically, rows come from a SQL query.
	rows, err := testdb.OpenDBCursor(db)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("could not query DB: %v", err)

    // testdb.DummyRow is the go type receiving unmarshalled data
	iterator := iterators.NewRowsIterator[*sqlx.Rows, testdb.DummyRow](rows)
	defer func() {
		_ = iterator.Close()
	count := 0

	for iterator.Next() {
		item, err := iterator.Item()
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("err: %v\n", err)
		fmt.Printf("item: %#v\n", item)

TODOs on iterator

  • assert performance - I expect that using a generic struct, not method, reduces the performance penalty due to the compiler's stencilinh.


A batcher is something that executes some processing in batches.

  • A batcher is used to execute some repeated action on a batch of elements with type T, every time there are enough elements pushed to the batch.
  • It is intended to apply an executor function to a stream of inputs. The executor is a function operating on a slice []Tof fixed maximum size.
  • The interface is minimal: Push(T), Flush() (safe to execute from concurrent go routines)
  • The executor func([]T) is assumed to handle errors etc. It is executed when the batch size is reached or on Flush().

Sample code: testable example

TODOs on batchers

  • Options to consider:
    • Optional shallow clone of batch elements (atm cloned by default on pointers)
    • Timeout on buffering wait
  • TODO: InsertBatcher
    • a common specialized usage of the batcher to construct Postgres multi-values batch INSERTs
  • TODO: ParallelBatcher
    • run executors as parallel go routines with a throttle
  • TODO: ErrBatcher
    • executor may return an error
  • assert performance - I expect that using a generic struct, not method, reduces the performance penalty due to the compiler's stencilinh.
  • introduce variations to shallow clone batched input elements (e.g. when we have []*TYPE slices)
  • write testable examples

Findings: at the moment, there is no easy way to perform a type assertion on the parametric types.

For instance, it's unclear what kind of type I can pass. I don't know how to check that with built-in type constraints. As of go1.18.3, it looks like I have to build methods like method(p TYPE) and methodPtr(p *TYPE) specifically.

I've been disappointed by the difficulty to use any|*any while keeping the ability in the code to figure out when this is a pointer type.


This package provides a way to apply compound sorting criteria to a collection of any type.

Use-case: we want to sort a slice of struct{A int, B int, C int} by (i) A, then (ii) B, then (iii) C, providing semantics similar to the SQL ORDER BY A,B,C statement.

It provides utilities to build comparison operators for common types and pointers.

Sample code: testable example


This is intended to make my async code more readable and easier to guard against type error when mixing channels conveying messages of different types.

I don't want to mimic node's Promises. I just want plain async that can run multiple IN/OUT channels and check at a glance that types are correct. I want the pipelines to be able to send out-of-band notifications to some listener ("bus").

TODO: basic pipelines work, but it is still difficult to get a nice, idiomatic chain of pipelines running smooth as I had expected.

Pipelines patterns to support:

  • in/out/bus
  • fan-int
  • fan-out
  • 2-way hetereogenous join
  • feeder (no input)
  • collector (no output)

Findings I realize the implications of the limitation that no method can be itself parametric: this totally prevents me from building a fluent pipeline chain with a method like Then[NEWOUT](next *Pipeline[OUT,NEWOUT]) *ChainedPipeline[IN, NEWOUT] Ugh. Need to reflect more on that one.

upserter (TODO)

The upserter knows how to carry out batch inserts (resp. upserts) from some input channel, in parallel. It is a special case of the batcher pattern. This leverage the Postgres multiple VALUES() syntax. There is also a slightly different variant for cockroachDB.

TODOs on upserters

[ ] Publish generic implementation