TiKV Community

Welcome to the TiKV Community! The main objective is to help members of the TiKV community who share similar interests to learn from and collaborate with each other.

Your journey of becoming a contributor and committer starts from here: improving docs, improving code, giving talks, organizing meetups, etc.


TiKV has the following types of groups that are officially supported:

  • PMC (Project Management Committee) is to manage and oversee the entire TiKV community. The PMC consists of Core Maintainers and Organizer Committee Chair.
  • Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are persistent open groups that focus on a part of the project. SIGs must have open and transparent proceedings. Anyone is welcome to participate and contribute provided they follow the TiKV Code of Conduct. The purpose of a SIG is to own and develop a set of TiKV subprojects or components. See more details in SIG governance(中文, English)
  • Working Groups are temporary groups that are formed to address issues that cross SIG boundaries. Working groups do not own any code or other long term artifacts. Working groups can report back and act through involved SIGs. See more details in WG governance(中文, English)

See the full governance(中文, English) for more details on these groups.


You can reach out to the community members via any one of the following ways:

Your First Contribution

The Contributor Guide provides detailed instruction on how to get your ideas and bug fixes seen and accepted, including:

  1. Building and setting up a development workspace
  2. How to run TiKV
  3. Contribution flow

How Do I Become a Committer?

First of all you need to get involved and be a Contributor.

Based on your track-record as a contributor, one of our Maintainers or PMC members may invite you to be a committer (after we've called a vote). When that happens, if you accept, the following process kicks into place...

Note that becoming a committer is not just about submitting some patches; it's also about helping out on the development and helping with documentation and the issues.

See How to be a TiKV Contributor.md for more details.


Communication within the TiKV community abides by TiKV Code of Conduct. Here is an excerpt:

In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.


TiKV Community is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE.md file for details.


Thank you to the Kubernetes, Apache and Docker community pages for providing us with inspiration.