
A specification for making configurable gtk themes

MIT LicenseMIT

A specification for making configurable gtk themes

This is a way to enable gtk, cinnamon, xfwm, and GNOME Shell themes, etc. to have configurable options in a standardised way so that DEs can present the options to the user in an easy to access way.

How it works:

A theme can make itself configurable by including a shell script or program that will alter the theme in place according to options passed to it as arguments.

A file called config_options.json will be included in the theme that lists the options available.

A DE settings dialog and/or a program included in the theme directory could read the config_options.json file and present the available theme options to the user in a window.

When user changes options and clicks "Apply" button, the program/DE calls the configure script with the options as arguments thereby altering the theme. Program/DE then reloads the theme in the OS.

The configure script and config_options.json file should be in a directory called "config" in the theme directory and the script should have no external dependencies other than what would likely be found on any gtk based distro.

Spec for the options_config.json file:

All fields required unless stated otherwise.

All "name" fields in options[] must be unique.

    "spec_version": <number> , Earliest version of this spec this file is compatible with. (only version=1 so far)
    "script_name": <string>, The script/program to call to apply theme changes.
    "theme_name":  <string>,
    "adwaita_link_to_gtk4": <boolean> Optional, default=false. If files (gtk.css, gtk-dark.css, assets/) in <theme>/gtk-4.0 can be linked to from ~/.config/gtk-4.0 in order to theme libadwaita apps.
    "options": [ 
            <combo_type|switch_type|color-chooser_type|spinbutton_type>, ...


    "name": <string>, This is the name of the argument passed to the script as --<name> <id_string>
    "label": <string>, 
    "type": "combo",
    "desktop": <string|array_of_strings>, One or more of all|GNOME|Cinnamon|XFCE|MATE|Budgie|pop|Pantheon|Unity|<some other>. The DE(s) in which this option should appear.
    "ids": [
        <string>, ...
    "labels": [
        <string>, ...
    "color_codes": [ Optional - use color swatches instead of labels if implemented. Color code format: "#XXXXXX"
        <string>, ...
    "value": <number> A default value with distributed theme and subsequently used to store the current user value


    "name": <string>, This is the name of the argument passed to the script when the option is selected (true) eg. --name, no argument is passed when false
    "label": <string>,
    "type": "switch",
    "desktop": <string|array_of_strings>,
    "value": <boolean>


    "name": <string>, This is the name of the argument passed to the script as --<name> <value>
    "label": <string>,
    "type": "color-chooser",
    "desktop": <string|array_of_strings>,
    "value": <string> Always in hexadecimal format: “#rrggbb”


    "name": <string>, This is the name of the argument passed to the script as --<name> <value>
    "label": <string>,
    "type": "spinbutton",
    "desktop": <string|array_of_strings>,
    "min": <number>,
    "max": <number>,
    "step": <number>,
    "value": <number>

Behaviour of the config script:

Script should configure the theme according to the arguments passed to it and the script, along with the options_config.json file, should be located in the config directory in the theme directory.

The theme name, for the purposes of some values in index.theme, should be taken as the name of the current parent directory of the directory containing the config script.

Any unrecognised arguments should be ignored.

Any missing config arguments listed in options_config.json should not prevent the script from completing and a default value used instead.