
Easily compile SMRPG - Sourcemod Plugin for Source Engine Games (Bash)

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

smrpg_build ( Bashscript for: Windows / Linux to compile SMRPG Sourcemod plugin )

Code License: MIT

My Links:
WebPage: leemann.se/fredrik
GitHub: github.com/freddan88/smrpg_build


Easy to use script to compile and install smrpg from Source
smrpg is a plugin for sourcemod programed by: peace-maker...

I didn´t find the original build-script to work so I created my own
I take no responsibility for this script, use at your own risk
Security and bugs shall be reported to each individual project

This script will download all dependencies and compile them with the plugin

Script tested on:

  • Windows using babun Shell version 1.2.0
  • Linux CentOS 7 64Bit
  • Linux Debian 9.9.0 64Bit
  • Linux Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS 64Bit

Plugins tested on:

  • SRCDS playing Counter-Strike Source
  • SRCDS playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
    ( Some plugins may not work due to incompatibility with CSGO )

Plugins, dependencies and authors:

Username: drifter
Plugin: dhooks
URL: http://users.alliedmods.net/~drifter/builds

Username: bcserv
Plugin: smlib
URL: https://github.com/bcserv/smlib

Username: peace-maker
Plugin: smrpg
URL: https://github.com/peace-maker/smrpg

Username: PremyslTalich/KissLick
Plugin: ColorVariables
URL: https://github.com/PremyslTalich/ColorVariables

Username: Drixevel
Plugin: Chat-Processor
URL: https://github.com/Drixevel/Chat-Processor

Username: Impact123
Plugin: AutoExecConfig
URL: https://github.com/Impact123/AutoExecConfig

Username: GoD Tony
Plugin: Updater
URL: https://bitbucket.org/GoD_Tony/updater

Username: minimoney1
Plugin: simple-chat-processor
URL: https://bitbucket.org/minimoney1/simple-chat-processor

Community: AlliedModders
Modification: SourceMod
URL: https://www.sourcemod.net

Info: AlliedModders
URL: https://www.alliedmods.net




  1. Download and install babun Shell:

  2. Open babun and install dependencies:

    pact install zip unzip wget curl git nano
  3. Use 'git clone' to clone this repo to your computer:

    git clone https://github.com/freddan88/smrpg_build.git
  4. Download and extract sourcemod to smrpg_build/build

Tip: You can use wget from Babun and then unzip to extract it, example:

cd ./smrpg_build
wget https://sm.alliedmods.net/smdrop/1.9/sourcemod-1.9.0-git6275-windows.zip
unzip sourcemod-1.9.0-git6275-windows.zip -d ./build

You can also download metamod to this directory to enable autoloading of sourcemod
Download from: https://www.sourcemm.net/downloads.php?branch=stable

Example using wget in babun:

wget https://mms.alliedmods.net/mmsdrop/1.10/mmsource-1.10.7-git968-windows.zip
unzip mmsource-1.10.7-git968-windows.zip -d ./build


  1. Use nano in babun to edit and uncoment the two lines used by dhooks for Windows
cd smrpg_build
nano ./smrpg_build.sh


Change from:
    # Windows:
    # wget -q http://users.alliedmods.net/~drifter/builds/dhooks/2.2/dhooks-2.2.0-hg126-windows.zip
    # unzip -qqo dhooks*windows.zip
Change to:
    # Windows:
    wget -q http://users.alliedmods.net/~drifter/builds/dhooks/2.2/dhooks-2.2.0-hg126-windows.zip
    unzip -qqo dhooks*windows.zip

Tip: You can change the version getting downloaded by changing the URL - Download dhooks from: http://users.alliedmods.net/~drifter/builds/dhooks

  1. Save the changes and continue reading below for usage


  1. Make sure babun is opened in the folder named smrpg_build and execute the script

  2. When the script is done compiling you will have a zip file containing the plugins

  3. The folders addons and cfg found in ./build can be used for new installations of SRCDS

WARNING adminmenu_maplist.ini, admins_simple.ini, databases.cfg are all included in sourcemod/configs
Keep this in mind before you install the plugins or else you may owerwrite your own files by accident...



  1. Install dependencies:


    apt-get install zip unzip wget curl git nano lib32ncurses5 lib32z1 lib32stdc++6


    yum install zip unzip wget curl git nano glibc.i686 libstdc++.i686
  2. Use 'git clone' to clone this repo to your computer:

    git clone https://github.com/freddan88/smrpg_build.git
  3. Download and extract sourcemod to smrpg_build/build

Tip: You can use wget from Bash and then tar to extract it, example:

cd ./smrpg_build
wget https://sm.alliedmods.net/smdrop/1.9/sourcemod-1.9.0-git6275-linux.tar.gz
tar -xvzf sourcemod-*-linux.tar.gz -C ./build

You can also download metamod to this directory to enable autoloading of sourcemod
Download from: https://www.sourcemm.net/downloads.php?branch=stable

Example using wget in bash:

wget https://mms.alliedmods.net/mmsdrop/1.10/mmsource-1.10.7-git968-linux.tar.gz
tar -xvzf mmsource-*-linux.tar.gz -C ./build


  1. Use nano in bash to edit and uncoment the two lines used by dhooks for Linux
nano ./smrpg_build.sh


Change from:
    # Linux:
    # wget -q http://users.alliedmods.net/~drifter/builds/dhooks/2.2/dhooks-2.2.0-hg126-linux.tar.gz
    # tar -zxf dhooks*linux.tar.gz
Change to:
    # Linux:
    wget -q http://users.alliedmods.net/~drifter/builds/dhooks/2.2/dhooks-2.2.0-hg126-linux.tar.gz
    tar -zxf dhooks*linux.tar.gz

Tip: You can change the version getting downloaded by changing the URL - Download dhooks from: http://users.alliedmods.net/~drifter/builds/dhooks

  1. Save the changes and continue reading below for usage


  1. Change permissions on the script¨

    chmod 754 ./smrpg_build.sh
  2. Execute the script

  3. When the script is done compiling you will have a zip file containing the plugins

  4. The folders addons and cfg found in ./build can be used for new installations of SRCDS

WARNING adminmenu_maplist.ini, admins_simple.ini, databases.cfg are all included in sourcemod/configs
Keep this in mind before you install the plugins or else you may owerwrite your own files by accident...

Script by: www.leemann.se/fredrik
Donate: paypal.me/freddan88