See test
Is a lambda claculus implemented in purescript
It supports 3 evaluation types:
- pro: most efficient execution
- cons: unpredictable performance
- pro: good for debugging, predictable
- cons: some unused arguments could be evaluated
- pro: good for suggestions and metaprogramming
- cons: executes unneeded code
optimal use cases symbolic at compile time, eager at debug, lazy at runtime
a naive implementation of and execution broker could be 3 queues lazy, eager, symbolic, where the evaluations will be partitioned naively the all the jobs from lazy would be executed before proceeding to eager and then lazy but a worker could get a task from eager before all from lazy are executed based on data locality (aka cost)
introduce types and metaprogramming
source maps
resolve some non terminating samples
analyze program for code duplication (η-conversion + α-conversion)
check for undeclared variables
hoisting and mutually recursive functions
infix operators
wrap syntax errors
implement standard data structures
documentation generation
named parameters
common design patterns (ex: dependency injection)
common functional data structures
implement unit testing
good practices assistant (clean code, code complete, TDD, DDD, PEA, GOF)
implement other languages features
refactoring tools
code navigation and view tools
bundling for browser and node with npm and bower
finish tests
parallel execution
distributed execution
rename symbol (F2 in vscode) with reify
import system (throught url + git)
derive like in typeclasses
stackless interpret (lazy, eager, symbolic)
compiler ANF backaend llvm?
rust-wasm interpreter
extract type from expression with free variables
implement beta-abstraction (for free variables binding)
eta-abstraction (maybe useful for type restrictions)
syntax sugars
(a.b.c) (c (b a))
(a, b, c) (a (b c))
[a b c] (start => cons => (cons (cons (cons start a) b) c))
[a, b, c] (endin => cons => (cons a (cons b (cons c endin)))
{ x = 1; y = 2; 3 } (joiner => joiner(1, x => joiner(2, y => 3)))
implement and test
η-conversion + α-conversion + α-equivalence can be used to validate laws (example comonad laws)
extract value (using symbolic execution)