
PHP error handler

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

E2EX - Semantic PHP Error handling

A simple library for converting PHP Errors to Exceptions and (optionally) for logging PHP Notices, Warnings and Errors with a PSR-3 compatible logger, such as monolog. Enables the unification of application and PHP logs and provides a means to harmonise Error and Exception handling.

Installation with Composer

Add the following line to your composer.json file:

require: "e2ex/e2ex": "0.8.*"


$ composer.phar update e2ex/e2ex

E2EX should play nice with any PSR-0 autoloader.

Basic Usage

Set E2EX to handle all Errors, Warnings and Notices:


Alternatively, you can pass in a bitmask to set which types should be handled.


Calling register() with no arguments will result in the bitmask being set to the current return value of error_reporting().

Any error types that aren't set to be handled by E2EX will be handled by PHP's built-in error handler, (so long as they fall within the error_reporting range).

Handling Exceptions

Non-fatal Errors will raise an E2EX\ErrorException. These can be handled inside try/catch blocks or with a registered exception handler, which can be a static/instance class method, or a global/namespaced function. Non-fatal error types include E_USER_ERROR and E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR.

Fatal (non-recoverable) Errors will raise an E2EX\FatalErrorException. These can only be handled inside your registered exception handler. Fatal error types include E_ERROR, E_PARSE and E_COMPILE_ERROR.

Both of the Exception types extend PHPs native \ErrorException.

PSR-3 Logging

To enable PSR-3 logging, all that's required is to pass in a PSR-3 compatible logger instance:

  • E_NOTICE, E_USER_NOTICE and E_STRICT will be logged at the notice level.


  • E_USER_ERROR and E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR will be logged at the error level.

  • E_ERROR, E_COMPILE_ERROR and E_PARSE will be logged at the critical level.

If you only want to log Notices and Warnings, pass in boolean false as the second argument when you register the handler.

E2EX\Converter::register(E_ALL, false); // ErrorExceptions and FatalErrorExceptions will not be passed to the Logger

A context array will be added to each log entry containing the PHP error type (as an integer), the filename, the line number and (optionally) the stack trace as an indexed array of associative arrays. By default, the stack trace will be limited to a depth of 5. You can vary this by passing a 3rd paramater to the register() method, like so:

E2EX\Converter::register(E_ALL, true, 10);

If you don't want to log stack traces, simply pass in 0 as the 3rd argument.

Note that once PSR-3 logging has been enabled, non-fatal Errors, Notices and Warnings set to be handled by E2EX will not be handled by PHP's built in error handler, and so will not be logged to PHP's error_log.


  • Fatal startup errors (E_CORE_ERROR) will not be handled.

  • If more than one startup warning (E_CORE_WARNING and/or E_DEPRECATED) occurs, only the last one will be passed to the logger.

  • E_ERROR, E_COMPILE_ERROR and E_PARSE errors will not be converted to Exceptions if they occur in the same file as the handler is registered in.

  • E_ERROR, E_PARSE, E_CORE_ERROR, E_CORE_WARNING, E_COMPILE_ERROR, E_COMPILE_WARNING, and most of E_STRICT will not be passed to the logger if raised in the same file the handler is registered in. They will however be logged with PHP's built-in error handler if error_log is set in php.ini.

Running the Tests

Install dev dependencies (if not already installed).

Run tests:

$ phpunit tests


  • php >= 5.3.6
