
Search your site with Google Custom Search Engine v1

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Search your site with Google Custom Search Engine v1

Use and instance of the GoogleCSE function to search your site. This is using vanilla javascript but is still a work in progress. If using this in a production environment make sure you're running everything through Babel.


  1. Add this project to the approprate place within your projects. This is most likely where you put all your other libraries. If you don't have anywhere just create a /libs directory and throw it in there.

  2. Add GoogleCSE into your bundled Javascript. So if you're using a task runner like gulp bundle this with your Footer.js or the likes.

  3. Check if GoogleCSE is defined typeof GoogleCSE !== "undefined"

  4. Create Search Engine ID: https://cse.google.com/cse/

  5. Create Google Custom Search v1 api key https://code.google.com/apis/console/

  6. Initialize Your Search:

const apiKey = "API_KEY_HERE";

// GoogleSearch variable is now an instance of GoogleCSE

const GoogleSearch = new GoogleCSE({ apiKey, cx });

// Possible search query

var searchQuery = "Dank Memes";

// Pass our query


// Rendered Results will look for the following markup

<div class="google-wrapper">
  <div id="google-controls">
    <p id="google-total-results"></p>
    <input id="google-search-input" type="text" placeholder="Search..." />
  <div id="google-results"></div>
  <div id="google-pagination"></div>