
Repository with instructions for Pokemon expo app challenge

Pokémon Challenge

Challenge for a Junior Mobile Engineer (Trainee)

The Task ✅

Develop 2 Pokémon-related screens using the Poke API:

  1. First Screen: This should list all the Pokémon available from the following endpoint: https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon

    • Include a search input on this screen. This input should filter the Pokémon list displayed on the screen without making additional API calls.
  2. Second Screen: Display the details of the Pokémon selected from the first screen. For example, you'll need to capture the Pokémon's ID to fetch details from an endpoint like this: https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/1/

Key Points: 🔑

  • Provide comprehensive documentation in the readme.md.
  • Ensure the application is free of bugs/errors.
  • Maintain a well-structured and clean codebase.
  • Make frequent commits with clear and descriptive commit messages.
  • Create a repository on GitHub and share the link with the recruiter/manager.

Requirements: ‼

🚨 Pay close attention to the design details.

FIGMA LINK for design reference: DESIGNS 💅


Tips 💡

  • Do all the logic and componentization first, all working and API consuming is good, and move to the design tasks.
  • The pokemon Images (3D) you can find on the sprites with the name shiny on it , follow the example below: