angsd (>=0.922)
doParallel R package. Can be installed by running the following in R.
Most recent version of ContaEstBoth.R
We distribute the ten reference HapMap panels that we use in INSERT PUBLICATION.
Coordinates in these files are hg19 and 0-based.
A description of how to build these panels is included in the angsd distribution under
You can download a test bamfile by running:
wget -O test_X.bam
wget -O test_X.bam.bai
These are X-chromosome reads sequenced in
We first tabulate the allele counts.
angsd -i test_X.bam -r X: -doCounts 1 -iCounts 1 -minMapQ 30 -minQ 20 -out OUTPUT
angsd/misc/contamination -b 5000000 -c 154900000 -k 1 -m 0.05 -d 3 -e 20 -h HapMapFreqs/HapMapCEU.gz -a OUTPUT.icnts.gz > OUTPUT_counts
-k 1 Require angsd to output the counts. This is required.
-minMapQ 30 discards reads with mapping quality <30
-minQ 20 discards nucleotides with base quality <20
-b 5000000 -c 154900000 exclude pseudo-autosomal regions
-m 0.05 exclude variants with maf<0.05
-d 3 -e 20 discard sites with a minimum depth of 3 and a maximum of 20
-h HapMapCEU.gz use the HapMap CEU allele frequencies for estimation
An important point: 'HapMapFreqs' folder is present inside our Git repository 'contaminationX'.
Rscript bin/ContaEstBoth.R counts=OUTPUT_counts freqs=HapMapFreqs/HapMapCEU.gz maxsites=1000 nthr=4 outfile=OUTPUT_results oneCns=1
freqs should be the same file that was used in -h in the previous step.
counts=OUTPUT_counts use the output from previous step as input
maxsites=1000 resample at most 1,000 blocks for the block jackknife procedure
nthr=4 use four threads (use many of these!)
outfile=OUTPUT_results write results to file called OUTPUT_results
oneCns=1 obtain both One-consensus and Two-consensus estimates
You can get help by running without arguments Rscript ContaEstBoth.R
Output is a tab-separated file with six columns.
Contamination point estimate
Lower bound for 95% confidence interval
Upper bound for 95% confidence interval
Error rate (epsilon)
Number of overlapping sites between reference panel and sequencing data, after filtering.
By running the example, you get something like this:
One-cns 0.0218110235103631 0.0100863972202939 0.0335356498004323 0.00610110400929692 771
Two-cns 0.022491450054116 0.0102981778438161 0.0346847222644158 0.00610110400929692 771
This is a dog 🐶
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