Tools to detect potential RDO packaging issues in OpenStack gerrit reviews

First launch the MQTT event monitoring from the OpenStack firehose to be sure to miss no event from OpenStack gerrit:

$ virtualenv .v
$ . .v/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ ./ event

Then in another terminal, download all the open reviews for the master branch:

$ ./

Then you can process the reviews and events by launching:

$ . .v/bin/activate
$ ./ $PWD

This will classify the reviews into 2 directories for the ones that could potentially cause packaging issues. requirements for reviews that are modifying their requirements so packages could need new dependencies. filelist for reviews that have added or removed files.

To create an html report, just launch:

$ . .v/bin/activate
$ ./ once

To continuously generate the report, launch like this:

$ . .v/bin/activate
$ ./