
🌟 Share what Open Source Software you’re saving for later.

🌟 Saving OSS

@savingoss is a Twitter account collecting the Open Source Software you’re saving for later. Not affiliated with but inspired by @reading.

🔁 Retweets curated by @fredericmarx.

✍️ Tweet us a link

How does it work?

Tweet links to 🆒 Open Source projects at @savingoss. A sensible number of selected links will be retweeted manually on a regular basis.

Example Tweet

🌟 @savingoss Tweet us links to 🆒 Open Source projects. A sensible number of selected links will be retweeted. https://t.co/Ga1Viv2sCB

— 🌟 Saving OSS (@savingoss) December 7, 2016
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

What links will be retweeted?

As long as this is just a small project, we will retweet anything that contributes to making this community a positive environment for sharing knowledge as outlined in our Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct

This project operates under the Contributor Covenant 1.4.0, and its text can be found under CONDUCT.md in the project root.


If you have any questions or feel like we shared something we shouldn’t have (especially with regards to our Code of Conduct), don’t hesitate to raise an issue on this repository, send us a DM on Twitter or email savingoss@gmail.com.

Your message will be treated confidentially and we will respond as soon as possible.