
This repository contains the implementation of a metaheuristic combining GRASP, ILS and RVND for the Minimum Latency Problem (MLP).

Primary LanguagePython

Minimum Latency Problem (MLP)

This repository contains the implementation of a metaheuristic called GILS-RVND which combines GRASP, ILS and RVND for the Minimum Latency Problem (MLP).

Running the project

From the project folder, open your terminal and execute the following commands:

./mlp instances/<INSTANCE_NAME>

All the instances for testing are available in the instances folder under this project.

Running the notebook in a local virtual environment on ubuntu

Make sure you have Python3.8 installed locally, then you should run the following codes to install the venv package, create and activate a virtual environment named mlpenv.

apt install python3.8-venv

python3 -m venv <directory-for-virtual-env>

python3 -m venv mlpenv

source mlpenv/bin/activate

Install jupyter lab and initiate a session:

pip install jupyterlab

apt install pipenv

pipenv run jupyter lab


Distribution of the elapsed time by instance (20 reps)


Median value of the elapsed time by instance (20 reps)
