Sparkify is a grower music streaming startup which aims to move their data processes and analyses onto the cloud. Their data resides in S3, in two directories consisting of a JSON logs from their app users activities, as well as a JSON metadata with the songs in the app.
Bellow are two examples of how the JSON files look like.
Each song json file contains information about the song and artist such as the title, artist Id, location, name and duration of the song.
{"num_songs": 1, "artist_id": "ARJIE2Y1187B994AB7", "artist_latitude": null, "artist_longitude": null, "artist_location": "", "artist_name": "Line Renaud", "song_id": "SOUPIRU12A6D4FA1E1", "title": "Der Kleine Dompfaff", "duration": 152.92036, "year": 0}
Each line of this json brings information about the users (name, gender, location and account payment level), artists, song's title, page in the app and time.
As a data engineering case, this project has an ETL pipeline that extracts their data from S3, processes them using Spark, and loads the data back into S3 as a set of dimensional tables. This will allow their analytics team to continue finding insights in what songs their users are listening to.
- Run
songplays - records in log data associated with song plays i.e. records with page NextSong
- songplay_id
- start_time
- user_id
- level
- song_id
- artist_id
- session_id
- location
- user_agent
users - users in the app
- user_id
- first_name
- last_name
- gender
- level
songs - songs in the music database
- song_id
- title
- artist_id
- year
- duration
artists - artists in the music database
- artist_id
- name
- location
- lattitude
- longitude
time - timestamps of records in songplays broken down into specific units
- start_time
- hour
- day
- week
- month
- year
- weekday