Futpal Remix

This repository contains the source code for the Futpal 2.0 app.

Fullstack Web + Native

This app is spun up using Vite + Express. It also makes use of Capacitor to build native apps for iOS and Android embedding a web view inside the respective apps. We develop once and ship to all three platforms.

Getting Started

0. Clone repository

1. Install NVM (Node Version Manager) and set Node version

  • Install NVM from here. This will enable you to set your node version to the one we are using for this project.
  • If on windows install nvm from here https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows download setup.zip and run (you will need to restart vs code before )
  • Open a terminal window and cd into the root of this project.
  • Install the project’s node version
    nvm install
  • Set your computer’s node version to the project’s node version
    nvm use

2. Install dependencies

  • Install dependencies for the project
    pnpm install

3. Run the database locally

  • Install Docker from here.
  • Run the docker compose file
    docker-compose up -d
  • Check that the database is running
    docker ps
  • Migrate the database to set up tables
    pnpm db:migrate
  • Seed the database with randomised data
    pnpm db:seed

4. Run the app locally

  • Start the app in dev mode
    pnpm dev
  • (Optional) Run the iOS simulator via Capacitor

    Warning This will only work on macOS

    • Open the project in XCode:
      pnpm cap open ios
    • Select a simulator from the dropdown menu in the top left corner
    • Build and run the app with Cmd + R or the play button in the top left corner

5. Contribute

  • Open a Pull Request with your changes
  • When it gets merged, the app will be automatically deployed to fly.io