
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Trinity+: Next-generation Synthesizer for Data Science

Dev Environment Setup

  • Prerequisite:
    • python 3.6+
  • It is preferable to have a dedicated virtualenv for this project:
    $ git clone <this repo>
    $ cd <this repo>
    $ cd tyrell
    $ mkdir venv
    $ python3 -m venv venv
    $ source venv/bin/activate
    $ cd ..
  • Install R if you have not.
  • Install the R packages dplyr, tidyr, and compare
  • Make an editable install with pip. This would automatically handles package dependencies. One of our dependency, z3-solver, takes a long time to build. Please be patient.
    $ python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
    $ pip install wheel sexpdata rpy2 compare
    $ pip install -e ".[dev]"
    $ python3 setup.py sdist  # for package
  • Test whether the installation is successful
    $ parse-tyrell-spec example/toy.tyrell
  • Run all unit tests
    $ python -m unittest discover .
  • Create a distribution tarball
    $ python setup.py sdist

Tarball will be available at dist/tyrell-<version>.tar.gz

  • Build HTML documentation
    $ cd docs
    $ make html

Documentations will be available at docs/_build/html/index.html


  • Jia Chen, Ruben Martins, Yanju Chen, Yu Feng, Isil Dillig. Trinity: An Extensible Synthesis Framework for Data Science. PVLDB'19.
  • Yu Feng, Ruben Martins, Osbert Bastani, Isil Dillig. Program Synthesis using Conflict-Driven Learning. PLDI'18.
  • Yu Feng, Ruben Martins, Jacob Van Geffen, Isil Dillig, Swarat Chaudhuri. Component-based Synthesis of Table Consolidation and Transformation Tasks from Examples. PLDI'17
  • Yu Feng, Ruben Martins, Yuepeng Wang, Isil Dillig, Thomas W. Reps. Component-Based Synthesis for Complex APIs. POPL'17