
contact Form

note: As my repo is public, i didn't let my real password, then it doesn't send a mail.

Hackers Poulette

Type of challenge: consolidation, SOLO
Repository: hackers-poulette
Duration: 3 days
Deadline: 24/03/2021 17:00
Host : https://www.heroku.com/ (or personnal host)
Form: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RkYTp9EY5Ljqq1LVNEUY63wP1t2nTmMl7vKm-CuLwSk/edit?usp=sharing

CAUTION: This project will use PHP. And we didn't talk about a GitHub Page. Maybe there is a reason. Missions objectives

At the end of this challenge you should have improved your:

semantical HTML
accessibility in HTML
Framework CSS or not (bootstrap, bulma, tailwind, ............. )
Progressive enhancement
PHP programming
Project planning
Mock-up creation

You should also be able to :

display errors

The mission

The company Hackers Poulette ™ sells Raspberry Pi accessory kits to build your own. They want to allow their users to contact their support team. Your mission is to create a fully-functioning online "contact support" form, in PHP. It must display a contact form and process the received answer (sanitize, validate, answer the user).

Hackers logo

The form should be comprised of:

name and lastname
email address
subject (3 possibilities)

NOTE: All field, except subject, have to be completed. The field subject takes a default value of Other. Instructions

Must have:

the project repository must include a low-fidelity mock-up
the form's html code must be semantically valid
the HTML must be accessible to blind people
in case of wrong input, the form should display a useful visual clue about the error
display the error message near the correct input field
the error message must be readable (helpful to users)
the form has to be sanitised and validated (server side)
if all required inputs are valid, the script should respond by email to a given address
implement a honeypot anti spam technique.


client side validation with JavaScript
work on a good and clear user experience (UX)
respond to the user request with Ajax

Part 0: plan the work ahead

Study all the project aspects, from frontend to backend, then make a mock-up and finally start coding. Part 1: contact form (html)

Start by creating the HTML of the form, don't forget the progressive enhancement and accessibility to the blinds Part 2: contact form (css, via framework css)

Use bootstrap, bulma, materialize, ... to quickly get your visual, while respecting the graphic chart below.

font: https://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/bellota
colors: #0d8187, #FFF, #303030

Part 3: contact form (PHP)

To help you during development, display the rough data received from the form with the help of the print_r PHP function. Part 4: process the form data

Finally, sanitize the input from things like <script>, then validate the content (obligatory field, valid email, etc...), ending by an email sent and a feedback for the user.