
Python script to illustrate length extension vulnerability in URLs containing MD5

Primary LanguagePython


Python script to illustrate length extension vulnerability in URLs containing MD5


This program assumes an MD5 hash of an 8-character password concatenated with a series of server commands. A sample URL format can be found below:


This program will calculate the total message length, presumed padding and text equivalent of padding. The program uses the existing hash as the input for a new MD5 hash that will append an additional command onto the existing list of commands concatenated with the password, which ultimately remains unknown. The new hash is appropriately inserted into a new URL, along with the padding of the previous message and a new command, which in this illustrative example, is "&command3=DeleteAllFiles"


This program takes a URL of the above form as a command line argument. python len_ext.py "url"


This program tests the generated length extension attack after generation using urllib. While the sample command is unlikely to inflict any damage upon a given server, do not use this script on a server for which you do not have permission to test this code on. Please comment out the last section of code to stop the live URL test.