
Oxcelix - A fast and simple .xlsx file parser

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Gem Version

Oxcelix - A fast and simple .xlsx file parser


Oxcelix is an xlsx (Excel 2007/2010) parser. The result of the parsing is a Workbook which is an array of Sheet objects, which in turn store the data in Matrix objects. Matrices consist of Cell objects to maintain comments and formatting/style data

Oxcelix uses the great Ox gem (http://rubygems.org/gems/ox) for fast SAX-parsing.


To process an xlsx file:

`require 'oxcelix'`
`w = Oxcelix::Workbook.new('whatever.xlsx')`

To omit certain sheets:

`w = Oxcelix::Workbook.new('whatever.xlsx', :exclude => ['sheet1', 'sheet2'])`

Include only some of the sheets:

`w = Oxcelix::Workbook.new('whatever.xlsx', :include => ['sheet1', 'sheet2', 'sheet3'])`

To have the values of the merged cells copied over the mergegroup:

`w = Oxcelix::Workbook.new('whatever.xlsx', :copymerge => true)`

Convert a Sheet object into a collection of ruby values or formatted ruby strings:

`require 'oxcelix'`
`w = Oxcelix::Workbook.new('whatever.xlsx', :copymerge => true)`
`w.sheets[0].to_ru # returns a Matrix of DateTime, Integer, etc objects`
`w.sheets[0].to_fmt # returns a Matrix of formatted Strings based on the above.`


gem install oxcelix

Advantages over other Excel parsers

Excel file processing involves XML document parsing. Usually, this is achieved by some XML library such as Nokogiri[http://nokogiri.org].

The main drawbacks of this approach are memory usage and speed. The resulting object tree will be roughly as big as the original file, and during the parsing, they will both be stored in the memory, which can cause quite some complications when processing huge files. Also, interpreting every bit of an excel spreadsheet will slow down unnecessarily the process, if we only need the data stored in that file.

The solution for the memory-consumption problem is SAX stream parsing.

Oxcelix uses the SAX parser offered by Peter Ohler's Ox gem. Ox is fast and powerful enough to solve the speed issue.

For a comparison of XML parsers, please consult the Ox homepage[http://www.ohler.com/dev/xml_with_ruby/xml_with_ruby.html].


  • Implement RawWorkbook, ValueWorkbook, FormattedWorkbook
  • include/exclude mechanism should extend to cell areas inside Sheet objects
  • Possible speedups
  • Further improvement to the formatting algorithms. Theoretically, to_fmt should be able to split conditional-formatting strings and to display e.g. thousands separated number strings