aarch64 rust build-std=core gentoo

This my playground for getting rust to build a aarch64-android no-std shared object on gentoo

you'll need the NDK installed

If you are on any other distro you may use rustup to install needed targets

TODO: can we use the *-clang binaries from the ndk? do we need the system llvm?


# Gentoo config:
USE="clippy rustfmt rls llvm_targets_X86 llvm_targets_AArch64 llvm_targets_ARM nightly"

emerge --sync && emerge --ask --verbose --update --deep --changed-use --newuse @world

# verify
rustc --print target-list  

# install cbindgen to generate c header files
cargo install --force cbindgen


# generate aarch64 android toolchain
$NDK/build/tools/make_standalone_toolchain.py --api 30 --arch arm64 --install-dir NDK/arm64
ln -s <NDK folder> NDK

# set path to linux-android-gcc in aarch64.json as linker
# build:
cargo build -Z build-std=core --target aarch64.json

# verify:
file target/aarch64/debug/libembed.so
NDK/arm64/bin/llvm-readelf --symbols target/aarch64/debug/libembed.so | grep foo

# if needed, generate c headers
 cbindgen --lang c > header.h
