
Meteor.js with Vite, Solid, and Tailwind CSS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Meteor.js with Vite, Solid, and Tailwind CSS

What and why this stack?

The main goal is to make development as quick and efficient as possible. To achieve this have selected these technologies:

  • Meteor.js - Fullstack Framework focused on productivity that uses RPCs and Sockets for reactivity
  • Vite - Next-generation build tool
  • SolidJS - Simple and performant reactivity for building UI
  • Tailwind CSS - A utility-first CSS framework
  • MongoDB - A source-available cross-platform document-oriented database
  • Meteor Cloud - Cloud provider for deploying, hosting and scaling Meteor apps

Tutorial Part 1: https://dev.to/fredmaiaarantes/meteorjs-with-vite-solid-and-tailwind-css-5d2o

Demo App on Galaxy: https://meteorsolidapp.meteorapp.com/

Author: @fredmaiaarantes

Running the template

Install dependencies

meteor npm install


meteor npm start

Deploy to Galaxy with free MongoDB

meteor deploy <select-a-subdomain>.meteorapp.com --free --mongo

Coming next

  • Use Meteor accounts to add sign in / sign up