JavaScript Fundamentals - Part 1

Today we will be learning the fundamentals of JavaScript!

🦊 Pre-lecture

⏲️ Estimated time required: 30 minutes to 1 hour.

  1. Read all of the .md files in 0-pre-lecture. It covers the initial fundamental concepts that we will be starting with during the lecture.
  2. There are also some exercises that you should complete.

💡 If you are in VS Code, you can right-click on any markdown file and select "Open Preview" to view a more "readable" version of it.

🦉 Lecture


Workshop Setup

Before starting the workshop, please run the following in the terminal. It will install all of the required dependencies. (More on that later.)

Type ctrl+ j to open the terminal inside of VS Code.

yarn install

In order to more easily evaluate your answers, you will need a node environment. VS Code provides us with a terminal, and in the terminal we can evaluate js files with Node.

It really NOT recommended that you use the browser console.

💡 You can toggle the terminal window in VS Code with the following keyboard shortcut:

  • [ctrl + j] on Windows
  • [cmd + j] on Mac

This will open an instance of the terminal (Mac) or the PowerShell (Win).

Type JS directly into the Node Env.

  • Type the following in the terminal, and hit enter.
node 2-workshop/exercise-3.js

This will execute all of the code in the exercise-3.js file.


This workshop can "test" your code and validate your answers. (We will talk more about this later.)

If you want to test your code/validate your answer, you can type yarn test <FILE_NAME> in the terminal (without the .js).

test demo

In this workshop, there will be a reminder to do this at the end of every exercise file.

⚡ Exercises

Exercise 2

This a series of code jumble questions. Answer directly in the file.

There is no automated testing for this file.

For exercises 3 to 13, you should only write the needed code to solve the exercise between the provided lines.

// Write code between the lines (below)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------

// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Write code between the lines (above)

Exercise 3 - Fix this program

It is should print to the console the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Exercise 4 - Fix this program

It should output the squares of all numbers between 0 and 12

Open exercise-4.js file.

Exercise 5 - Fix this program

It should output all of the odd numbers between 1 and 25 (including 1 and 25).

Open exercise-5.js file.

Exercise 6

This exercise contains 5 questions (6.1 to 6.5) that all start with Write a loop that ...

🟡 - Minimally complete workshop (75%) - 🟡

Exercise 7

Life in the army is regimented!

Write a loop that will output every hour of the day (0 to 23) and determine whether it is time to sleep, eat or train.

Exercise 8

Write a program that will output the sum of all of the multiples of four between 0 and 5000

Exercise 9

Write a program that goes through every number between 1 and 100, and follows the following rules:

  • If the number is divisible by 3 (eg. 6), print "Fizz".

  • If the number is divisible by 5 (eg. 10), print "Buzz".

  • If the number is divisible by 3 AND 5 (eg. 15), print "FizzBuzz".

  • For all other numbers, print the number itself.

  • Open exercise-9.js file.

Exercise 10

Write a loop that makes seven calls to console.log to output the following triangle:


🟢 - Complete workshop (100%) - 🟢

Exercise 11 - Stretch

Write a program that creates a string that represents an 8×8 grid, using newline characters to separate lines.

Exercise 12 - Stretch

Write a program that generates a list of all prime numbers between 1 and 200.

Exercise 13 - Stretch

Write a program which calculates the 50th number in the fibonacci sequence.