
Graph statistics

Primary LanguageRust


Gstats is a project comprising of some command-line tools and a library for handling directed acyclic graphs with unweighted edges and an outgoing degree of exactly 2. In addition to two outgoing edges, vertices on the graph have a timestamp property. The two command-line tools currently available are gstats and bpdaggen. The library is named graphstats. The project is implemented using Rust.


  • Debug build: $ cargo build
  • Release build: $ cargo build --release


  • Testing using the debug build (slow): $ cargo test
  • Testing using the release build (recommended): $ cargo test --release

An extension to the testing commands can be used to show standard out and standard error from the test binaries, as in the following example for release tests:

$ cargo test --release -- --nocapture


  • Debug: $ cargo run --bin TOOL_NAME -- PARAMETERS
  • Release: $ cargo run --release --bin TOOL_NAME -- PARAMETERS

TOOL_NAME can either be gstats or bpdaggen. Also, --help can be passed in place of PARAMETERS to see the full list of command-line arguments that each tool can accept.

The RUST_LOG environment variable can be used to print more information, as in the following example for a release run of gstats:

$ RUST_LOG=gstats=info cargo run --release -- testdata/test_0.in



gstats reads a graph from a file and prints statistics about it. The graph is always assumed to have an implicitly defined root vertex with ID 1. The graph can be bipartite but this does not seem to be a necessity for gstats to function correctly. The file format used to represent the graph is line-based and is defined as follows:

N                  # The number of vertices defined in the file (excl. the root vertex)
LID RID TIMESTAMP  # LID/RID=ID of the left/right neighbour, TIMESTAMP is a timestamp

Currently, gstats prints the following statistics:

  • The average vertex depth
  • The average number of transactions per depth
  • The average number of incoming edges per vertex
  • The average number of transactions per unit of time
  • The average number of transactions per timestamp value

The depth of a vertex is the length of the shortest path between it and the root vertex, assuming each edge has a weight of 1.


The bpdaggen command-line tool can be used to generate random bipartite directed acyclic graphs of a certain size. The output graph can be used to test the gstats tool. The output is printed to standard out and can be redirected to a file. Example:

$ cargo run --release --bin bpdaggen -- 50