
Hack CPU & JACK tooling

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Hackism: A HACK & JACK Application Suite

License Release (latest SemVer) Release CI


The Hackism project is MIT licensed (see the LICENSE file). Some test files are licensed differently and such is stated at the top of the file.


The Hackism project is a suite of applications related to the HACK machine and JACK programming language and VM taught by the Nand2Tetris course. The application suite is a library and set of programs for handling various tasks related to the HACK CPU, micro-architecture and instruction set as well as the JACK programming language and virtual machine. Hackism currently consists of the following:

  • Library for parsing HACK assembly
  • HACK assembler and disassembler
  • HACK interpreter
  • HACK CPU emulator
  • JACK virtual machine
  • JACK compiler


Hackism executables can be run using cargo run --bin <NAME> in the project directory or as standalone executables such as hackism-NAME. The --help flag is available on all Hackism executables and can be used to discover more information about each command. The --verbose flag is also available on all Hackism programs for more verbose output.


To assemble a .asm HACK file with logging enabled: hackism-asm -vvv infile.asm -o outfile.hack.

To disassemble a .hack file: hackism-dis infile.hack -o outfile.asm.

Bin and Bintext

The tools provided by the Nand2Tetris course primarily deal with what I call bintext: A textual representation of values in binary form. This is generally awkward but a good way to teach the concepts without having to teach how to deal with binary data.

The predecessor of hackism dealt with both types of data (e.g. by passing a --bintext flag when bintext was involved or desired). However, I decided that continuing to do so was not worth the abstraction hassles. Hence, hackism only deals with bintext.

Building and Installation

Cargo can be used to build and install hackism programs into ~/.cargo/bin using cargo install --path . (note the dot at the end of the command). The program names are all prefixed with hackism- (e.g. hackism-asm, hackism-dis, etc...).


To test the hackism library, execute cargo test in the top-level directory of the project.