
Simple Parallel Async Requests Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


sparp stands for Simple Parallel Asynchronous Requests in Python


Find async or await confusing, and just want to process a list of requests? Then this is the package for you.


Install it directly from git:

python3 -m pip install git+https://github.com/fredo838/sparp.git

Pin your version to a commit with

python3 -m pip install git+https://github.com/fredo838/sparp.git@gitsha

Simple example

import sparp
configs = [{'method': 'get', 'url': 'https://www.google.com'} for _ in range(10000)]
results = sparp.sparp(configs, max_outstanding_requests=len(configs))
# dict_keys(['text', 'status_code', 'json', 'elapsed'])

if the request itself errors (similar to how "requests.get" would error instead of returning some (good or bad) status code) the, the resulting payload will be

# dict_keys(['error_message']) 


results = sparp.sparp(
  configs, # list of request configs. See below
  max_outstanding_requests=1000, # max number of concurrent requests alive at the same time. Should be in [0, len(configs)]. Using len(configs) guarantees you won't bottleneck the processing.
  time_between_requests=0, # minimum amount of time between two requests
  ok_status_codes=[200],  # status codes that are deemed "success"
  stop_on_first_fail=False,  # whether to stop and return (not error) when a "failed" response is encountered
  disable_bar=False,  # do not print anything
  attempts=1,  # number of times to try the request (must be at least 1)
  retry_status_codes=[429],  # status codes to attempt a retry on
  aiohttp_client_session_kwargs={},  # additional kwargs to initialize aiohttp.ClientSession with 
  print_kwargs={"end":"\r"}  # additional kwargs to pass to the 'print' function for printing the progress bar

Small print

  • each config in configs should be able to be passed to aiohttp.ClientSession.request(**config)
  • configs should preferably be a list of dicts, but you can also use a generator, so if you want to make your request as soon as you have created your config, you can.
  • max_outstanding_requests is a mandatory paramater, but what should you use? We create a consumer coroutine (read: while loop that makes requests) for every item in range(max_outstanding_requests), so the ideal value is just above the "actual" max amount of requests that will be active at the same time, but we don't know that beforehand. So rule of thumb:
    • try 100, if not fast enough, make it 1000, still not fast enough use len(configs).
    • using len(configs) ensures you wont bottleneck your application, but know that this creates len(configs) coroutines (so those while loops), so it should not be tooo much, let's say <100000.
    • if the url you call cannot scale beyond 1000 requests, than using values higher that 1000 will only hurt performance