
Template to develop bare metal applications for Arduino Nano 33 IOT board

Primary LanguageRust


A template for building applications for Arduino Nano 33 iot BOARD


To build embedded programs using this template you'll need:

  • Rust 1.31, 1.30-beta, nightly-2018-09-13 or a newer toolchain. e.g. rustup default beta

  • The cargo generate subcommand. Installation instructions.

  • rust-std components (pre-compiled core crate) for the ARM Cortex-M targets. Run:

  • arm-thumbv6m-none-eabi target.

$ rustup target add thumbv6m-none-eabi

Using this template

NOTE: This is the very short version that only covers building programs. For the long version, which additionally covers flashing, running and debugging programs, check the embedded Rust book.

$ cargo generate --git https://github.com/fredpit/arduino-nano33-iot-quickstart