
Primary LanguagePython



Antibot is a fully modular, easy to use and extensible Amino bot. It has never been this easy to add new skills to a bot (just kidding, but it's still pretty good). Built over the slightly modified Amino.py library, it is pretty straight forward to use right out of the box. You just need to remove the security=False inside bot.py for it to work. I wont remove it first, because I modified Amino.py to work that way.

Get the bot

You need to run the following to get Antibot inside your computer:

git clone https://github.com/fredrare/Antibot.git

To get inside the Antibot's directory, run:

cd Antibot


To start the bot, you need to run main.sh:

# Make sure Antibot is executable (just the first time)
chmod +x bot.py

# Install the requirements for the bot (also the first time)
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Export your account credentials to environment variables. Do not store them inside files!
# Do this every time you restart your terminal
export AMINO_USER="mail@example.com"
export AMINO_PASS="P4sSwor!d."

# Run Antibot

# To stop it, just hit ctrl+c

Further improve the bot

If you want to add skills to the bot, you may create a directory or python file inside the skillsdirectory.


The file should have, at least, the following structure:

skills = {
    'skillName': {
        'desc': 'Skill description',
        'run': callback

The file should abide by these rules:

  • skillName: One-word name for the skill. It must be prefixed with '$' when invoked

  • callback: A function that:

    • Receives data (the data received by the event callback in Amino.py)
    • Returns a dictionary with the parameters you want for subclient.send_message(). Here, you must always include the messagekey. Example:
def callback(data):
    return {'message': 'Success!'}


You may use the common.util.skillable decorator for your skill callbacks if you want to have context variables ready to use. If you wish to walk this path, you must add a second parameter context to the callback function. Example:

from common.util import skillable

def callback(data, context):
    return {'message': success, 'replyTo': context.origin}

More details of the accepted context attributes are available in common.util.Context.


To use your recently created skill, you should import the file/directory inside the skills/__init__.py file. And then add it to modules in line 6.

from skills import base, myNewSkill

modules = [base, myNewSkill]

And you are done.


  • Add a man page for each skill.

  • Add a 'man' key for each skill. The value will be displayed inside the man page.

  • Delete syntax information inside the help output.

  • Use a database instead of jsons for persistency.

  • Include 'mute' and 'unmute' skills for each chat.