
a cute ooc doc generator

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


a cute ooc documentation generator


brummi is a Python program, you'll need Python 2.7 (not 3.x!) to run it. Also, for your own comfort, install virtualenv.

Now, do that (assuming python is python 2.7):

# create a virtualenv for your sick brummi experiments
virtualenv dev
# use it!
. ./dev/bin/activate
# now, pyooc is not part of the python package index yet, so install it manually.
git clone git://github.com/fredreichbier/pyooc.git
cd pyooc/
python setup.py develop
# finally, get brummi.
git clone git://github.com/fredreichbier/brummi.git
cd brummi/
# this will install some dependencies
python setup.py develop


first, create a ooc json repo for your code. in the future, brummi will do it for you, but for now, it doesn't:

rock -backend=json -outpath=ooc_repo myfile.ooc

then, create a config.json for brummi. it's a text file containing json containing configuration options. see example-config.json for examples. ooc_path is the (relative or absolute) path to the json repo created above. out_path is the directory the resulting api docs will be put into.

then, run brummi:

brummi config.json

and that's all for now. have fun -- and if you run into problems, ping me.