Writing assessment

How to define the comprehention and proficiency from the answer of ESL user.

Use pyenv

Active virtual environment

source ./env/bin/activate

Install required packages

pip install -r requirements.txt


python index.py


Result example

Similarity between prompt and response: 0.7665253281593323
Readability score: 97.5
Spache Readability score: 3.42

Similarity between prompt and response

It can represent coherence of the response from the original question.

Readability score

It is the value of flesch_reading_ease from the textstat library.

Score	Difficulty
90-100	Very Easy
80-89	Easy
70-79	Fairly Easy
60-69	Standard
50-59	Fairly Difficult
30-49	Difficult
0-29	Very Confusing
  • Proficiency of the user can be defined by this value.
  • It has inversely proportional relationship with the proficiency.

Spache Readability score

  • It is the value of spache_readability from the textstat library.
  • Spache readability formula
  • It is the grade level of the text.
  • It has directly proportional relationship with the proficiency.