
Redux bindings for Firestore

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Redux bindings for Firestore. Provides low-level API used in other libraries such as react-redux-firebase


npm install redux-firestore --save

This assumes you are using npm as your package manager.

If you're not, you can access the library on unpkg, download it, or point your package manager to it. Theres more on this in the Builds section below

Complementary Package

Most likely, you'll want react bindings, for that you will need react-redux-firebase. You can install the current version it by running:

npm install --save react-redux-firebase

react-redux-firebase provides withFirestore and firestoreConnect higher order components, which handle automatically calling redux-firestore internally based on component's lifecycle (i.e. mounting/un-mounting)


import { createStore, combineReducers, compose } from 'redux'
import { reduxFirestore, firestoreReducer } from 'redux-firestore'
import firebase from 'firebase/app'
import 'firebase/auth'
import 'firebase/database'
import 'firebase/firestore'

const firebaseConfig = {} // from Firebase Console
const rfConfig = {} // optional redux-firestore Config Options

// Initialize firebase instance
// Initialize Cloud Firestore through Firebase

// Add reduxFirestore store enhancer to store creator
const createStoreWithFirebase = compose(
  reduxFirestore(firebase, rfConfig), // firebase instance as first argument, rfConfig as optional second

// Add Firebase to reducers
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  firestore: firestoreReducer

// Create store with reducers and initial state
const initialState = {}
const store = createStoreWithFirebase(rootReducer, initialState)

Then pass store to your component's context using react-redux's Provider:

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';

  <Provider store={store}>
    <MyRootComponent />

Call Firestore

Firestore Instance

Functional Components

It is common to make react components "functional" meaning that the component is just a function instead of being a class which extends React.Component. This can be useful, but can limit usage of lifecycle hooks and other features of Component Classes. recompose helps solve this by providing Higher Order Component functions such as withContext, lifecycle, and withHandlers.

import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import {
} from 'recompose'

const withStore = compose(
  withContext({ store: PropTypes.object }, () => {}),
  getContext({ store: PropTypes.object }),

const enhance = compose(
    loadData: props => () => props.store.firestore.get('todos'),
    onDoneClick: props => (key, done = false) =>
      props.store.firestore.update(`todos/${key}`, { done }),
    onNewSubmit: props => newTodo =>
      props.store.firestore.add('todos', { ...newTodo, owner: 'Anonymous' }),
    componentWillMount(props) {
  connect(({ firebase }) => ({ // state.firebase
    todos: firebase.ordered.todos,

export default enhance(SomeComponent)

For more information on using recompose visit the docs

Component Class
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { watchEvents, unWatchEvents } from './actions/query'
import { getEventsFromInput, createCallable } from './utils'

class Todos extends Component {
  static contextTypes = {
    store: PropTypes.object.isRequired

  componentWillMount () {
    const { firestore } = this.context.store

  render () {
    return (
          todos.map(todo => (
            <div key={todo.id}>

export default connect((state) => ({
  todos: state.firestore.ordered.todos


The store.firestore instance created by the reduxFirestore enhancer extends Firebase's JS API for Firestore. This means all of the methods regularly available through firebase.firestore() and the statics available from firebase.firestore are available. Certain methods (such as get, set, and onSnapshot) have a different API since they have been extended with action dispatching. The methods which have dispatch actions are listed below:


store.firestore.get({ collection: 'cities' }),
// store.firestore.get({ collection: 'cities', doc: 'SF' }), // doc
store.firestore.set({ collection: 'cities', doc: 'SF' }, { name: 'San Francisco' }),
store.firestore.add({ collection: 'cities' }, { name: 'Some Place' }),
const itemUpdates =  {
  some: 'value',
  updatedAt: store.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp()

store.firestore.update({ collection: 'cities', doc: 'SF' }, itemUpdates),
store.firestore.delete({ collection: 'cities', doc: 'SF' }),
store.firestore.runTransaction(t => {
  return t.get(cityRef)
      .then(doc => {
        // Add one person to the city population
        const newPopulation = doc.data().population + 1;
        t.update(cityRef, { population: newPopulation });
.then(result => {
  // TRANSACTION_SUCCESS action dispatched
  console.log('Transaction success!');
}).catch(err => {
  // TRANSACTION_FAILURE action dispatched
  console.log('Transaction failure:', err);

Types of Queries

Each of these functions take a queryOptions object with options as described in the Query Options section of this README. Some simple query options examples are used here for better comprehension.

props.store.firestore.get({ collection: 'cities' }),
// store.firestore.get({ collection: 'cities', doc: 'SF' }), // doc
store.firestore.onSnapshot({ collection: 'cities' }),
// store.firestore.setListener({ collection: 'cities' }), // alias
// store.firestore.setListener({ collection: 'cities', doc: 'SF' }), // doc
  { collection: 'cities' },
  { collection: 'users' },
unsetListener / unsetListeners

After setting a listener/multiple listeners, you can unset them with the following two functions. In order to unset a specific listener, you must pass the same queryOptions object given to onSnapshot/setListener(s).

store.firestore.unsetListener({ collection: 'cities' }),
// of for any number of listeners at once :
store.firestore.unsetListeners([query1Options, query2Options]), 
// here query1Options as in { collection: 'cities' } for example

Query Options

{ collection: 'cities' },
// or string equivalent
// store.firestore.get('cities'),
{ collection: 'cities', doc: 'SF' },
// or string equivalent
// props.store.firestore.get('cities/SF'),
Sub Collections
{ collection: 'cities', doc: 'SF', subcollections: [{ collection: 'zipcodes' }] },
// or string equivalent
// props.store.firestore.get('cities/SF'),

Note: When nesting sub-collections, storeAs should be used for more optimal state updates.


To create a single where call, pass a single argument array to the where parameter:

  collection: 'cities',
  where: ['state', '==', 'CA']

Multiple where queries are as simple as passing multiple argument arrays (each one representing a where call):

  collection: 'cities',
  where: [
    ['state', '==', 'CA'],
    ['population', '<', 100000]

Can only be used with collections


To create a single orderBy call, pass a single argument array to orderBy

  collection: 'cities',
  orderBy: ['state'],
  // orderBy: 'state' // string notation can also be used

Multiple orderBys are as simple as passing multiple argument arrays (each one representing a orderBy call)

  collection: 'cities',
  orderBy: [
    ['population', 'desc']

Can only be used with collections


Limit the query to a certain number of results

  collection: 'cities',
  limit: 10

Can only be used with collections


Creates a new query where the results start at the provided document (inclusive)

From Firebase's startAt docs

  collection: 'cities',
  orderBy: 'population',
  startAt: 1000000

Can only be used with collections


Creates a new query where the results start after the provided document (exclusive)...

From Firebase's startAfter docs

  collection: 'cities',
  orderBy: 'population',
  startAfter: 1000000

Can only be used with collections


Creates a new query where the results end at the provided document (inclusive)...

From Firebase's endAt docs

  collection: 'cities',
  orderBy: 'population',
  endAt: 1000000

Can only be used with collections


Creates a new query where the results end before the provided document (exclusive) ...

From Firebase's endBefore docs

  collection: 'cities',
  orderBy: 'population',
  endBefore: 1000000

Can only be used with collections


Storing data under a different path within redux is as easy as passing the storeAs parameter to your query:

  collection: 'cities',
  where: ['state', '==', 'CA'],
  storeAs: 'caliCities' // store data in redux under this path instead of "cities"

NOTE: Usage of "/" and "." within storeAs can cause unexpected behavior when attempting to retrieve from redux state

Other Firebase Statics

Other Firebase statics (such as FieldValue) are available through the firestore instance:

import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import {
} from 'recompose'

const withFirestore = compose(
  withContext({ store: PropTypes.object }, () => {}),
  getContext({ store: PropTypes.object }),

const enhance = compose(
    onDoneClick: props => (key, done = true) => {
      const { firestore } = props.store
      return firestore.update(`todos/${key}`, {
        updatedAt: firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp() // use static from firestore instance

export default enhance(SomeComponent)

Config Options

Optional configuration options for redux-firestore, provided to reduxFirestore enhancer as optional second argument. Combine any of them together in an object.


Default: true

Whether or not to use console.error to log listener error objects. Errors from listeners are helpful to developers on multiple occasions including when index needs to be added.


Default: 'firestore'

Namespace under which enhancer places internal instance on redux store (i.e. store.firestore).


Default: false

Whether or not to allow multiple listeners to be attached for the same query. If a function is passed the arguments it receives are listenerToAttach, currentListeners, and the function should return a boolean.


Default: false

If set to true redux-firestore will attach a listener on the same path just once & will count how many the listener was set. When you try to unset the listener, it won't unset until you have less than 1 listeners on this path


Default: null

Values to preserve from state when DELETE_SUCCESS action is dispatched. Note that this will not prevent the LISTENER_RESPONSE action from removing items from state.ordered if you have a listener attached.


Default: null

Values to preserve from state when LISTENER_ERROR action is dispatched.


Default: null

Arguments:(queryOption, dispatch, firebase)

Function run when attempting to delete a collection. If not provided (default) delete promise will be rejected with "Only documents can be deleted" unless. This is due to the fact that Collections can not be deleted from a client, it should instead be handled within a cloud function (which can be called by providing a promise to onAttemptCollectionDelete that calls the cloud function).


Default: true

Whether or not to merge data within orderedReducer.


Default: true

Whether or not to merge data from document listener updates within orderedReducer.


Default: true

Whether or not to merge data from collection listener updates within orderedReducer.


Most commonly people consume Redux Firestore as a CommonJS module. This module is what you get when you import redux in a Webpack, Browserify, or a Node environment.

If you don't use a module bundler, it's also fine. The redux-firestore npm package includes precompiled production and development UMD builds in the dist folder. They can be used directly without a bundler and are thus compatible with many popular JavaScript module loaders and environments. For example, you can drop a UMD build as a <script> tag on the page. The UMD builds make Redux Firestore available as a window.ReduxFirestore global variable.

It can be imported like so:

<script src="../node_modules/redux-firestore/dist/redux-firestore.min.js"></script>
<!-- or through cdn: <script src="https://unpkg.com/redux-firestore@latest/dist/redux-firestore.min.js"></script> -->
<script>console.log('redux firestore:', window.ReduxFirestore)</script>

Note: In an effort to keep things simple, the wording from this explanation was modeled after the installation section of the Redux Docs.

Applications Using This


  1. How do I update a document within a subcollection?

    Provide subcollections config the same way you do while querying:

        collection: 'cities',
        doc: 'SF',
        subcollections: [{ collection: 'counties', doc: 'San Mateo' }],
      { some: 'changes' }
  2. How do I get auth state in redux?

    You will most likely want to use react-redux-firebase or another redux/firebase connector. For more information please visit the complementary package section.

  3. Are there Higher Order Components for use with React?

    react-redux-firebase contains firebaseConnect, firestoreConnect, withFirebase and withFirestore HOCs. For more information please visit the complementary package section.


  • Automatic support for documents that have a parameter and a subcollection with the same name (currently requires storeAs)
  • Support for Passing a Ref to setListener in place of queryConfig object or string

Post an issue with a feature suggestion if you have any ideas!