Quickstart 🚀

Set up:

brew install task
git clone https://github.com/fredrikaverpil/poc-tasks-gitrepo.git
cd poc-tasks-gitrepo

List all available tasks:

task --list

List all tasks, including "internal" tasks:

task --list-all

Run task:

task <task-name>


Tasks defined in this git repo

A default task was defined in this repo's Taskfile.yml and can be executed like this:


# or with...

task default

Another example, showcasing tasks using a sub-task:

task top-task

Include tasks from another local Taskfile.yml


version: "3"

  your-namespace: ~/dotfiles/Taskfile.yml

Run tasks from this file like so (note that this is not implemented in this POC repo):

task your-namespace:task-name

Include tasks from another remote git repo

⚠️ requires the TASK_X_REMOTE_TASKFILES=1 environment variable to be set, as this is still an experimental feature.


version: "3"

  public: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fredrikaverpil/poc-tasks/main/Taskfile.yml

Any language can be used to implement the actual logic invoked by a task (in this example, Go):

task public:poc-app

Ciapp can be wrapped:

# run 'ciapp lint'
task public:ciapp -- lint

Good to be aware of

  • Nested remote Taskfiles are supported.
  • Token-based authentication is being worked on for private repos and e.g. GitHub Actions: go-task/task#1420 (reply in thread)
  • SSH authentication might come later.
  • You can keep a local ~/Taskfile.yml in which you invoke your own scripts/binaries. Use task --global ... to toggle.