- 2
Hide clode blocks?
#232 opened by mtiller-jh - 2
Fetching output of display
#255 opened by gbruer15 - 1
- 1
- 0
FR: Provide a way to play nice with Distributed
#254 opened by marius311 - 1
Include error: no such file or directory
#251 opened by gbruer15 - 1
notebook() ignores outputdir?
#238 opened by SimonHansul - 4
Filtering blocks of code
#249 opened by MilesCranmer - 2
Interpolation into md-strings
#180 opened by mauro3 - 3
FR: Output to Quarto markdown flavour
#199 opened by svilupp - 0
- 3
- 3
Multiline string and `#`
#175 opened by mauro3 - 2
- 2
- 6
Issue with directories
#228 opened by mtiller-jh - 2
- 3
- 4
"Makefile" like capability for Literate examples?
#226 opened by JeffFessler - 4
RequestError: HTTP/2 302 (Operation too slow ...) in Literate/Documenter build
#225 opened by JeffFessler - 2
- 1
Option to capture errors?
#201 opened by tpoisot - 4
Standard multiline doc strings
#216 opened by roland-KA - 7
Support for Configuration per Code Block
#193 opened by RoyiAvital - 2
Is it possible to get comments inside a code block while converting to markdown?
#217 opened by sathvikbhagavan - 3
- 1
- 5
- 8
- 0
Add link to Weave.jl
#208 opened by dlfivefifty - 3
How to create jupyter's raw type of cells?
#191 opened by newptcai - 4
- 2
suggestion: mention MarkdownTables.jl in the manual
#206 opened by tpapp - 6
consecutive (or custom) image filenames
#204 opened by tpapp - 0
FR: Supporting flavor-specific filtering
#202 opened by svilupp - 3
Escaping link interpretation for Documenter links
#198 opened by j-fu - 1
Literate will ask for SSH passphrase multiple times
#197 opened by cjalmeida - 1
Passphrase for my SSH key
#196 opened by gdkrmr - 3
use compact mode when printing by default
#181 opened by Roger-luo - 6
- 1
Allow AbstractDict config
#185 opened by tlienart - 1
- 0
#177 opened by RRiva - 4
How to auto-generate README from literate script
#176 opened by mauro3 - 2
embed svg instead of png for plot
#182 opened by tpapp - 2
Inconsistent Documenter rendering between code execution in Literate.jl and Documenter.jl
#178 opened by racinmat - 7
- 1
There are quite a few broken links in the docs
#170 opened by mauro3 - 1
Failure with space in filenames
#168 opened by blegat - 1