
A simple guestbook

Primary LanguagePHP


This guestbook is made for new beginners to PHP, and is focused to make people learn from it. Or maybe you just want to use it as a guestbook. You can do whatever you want with it.

You can see a preview of the guestbook here:

Preview of guestbook



You can download the project by simply clicking the Clone & Download button and then click Download ZIP.

Then you drag-drop the files into your website server (XAMPP, WAMP) or you web hosting provider htdocs folder

Then you access the website by the url.

Install of SQL

You need to access your database, and then you click import and then upload the guestbook.sql file and then you click upload or something like that.


You is needed to edit these line of code to you database information. This code is located in the settings.php

The code looks like this:

    //Database settings
    $dbhost = "localhost"; //Database host
    $dbuser = "root"; //Database username
    $dbpassword = ""; //Database Password. Leave blank for no password!
    $dbname = "guestbook"; //Database Name;

    //General Settings
    $sitename = "Guestbook"; //Website Name;

You can edit the website name to your own website name if you want to use it as a normal guestbook.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


Fredrik Johansen