
Fourth cohort of Ethereum Protocol Fellowship

Ethereum Protocol Fellowship: Cohort 4

This repository serves for organizing the fourth cohort of Ethereum Fellowship Program (EPF).

Learn more about EPF in Program details and third cohort recap.

Getting started

The EPF is fully permissionless and open program. Anybody is welcome to participate. All resources and work being done can be found in this repository. Applications for the fourth cohort are currently open.

To get started, review the resources in the program guide and FAQ. This repository is the main coordination tool for participants. To start using it, check the guide for participating and open a PR to add your development updates.

Find ideas for projects and get inspiration in proposed project ideas.


The main communication channel with other participants, mentors and organizers is in R&D Discord. If you don't have access, contact the cohort organizers.


There will be two regular weekly calls throughout the program.

Standup calls

These calls serve to discuss progress of projects, current issues participants are facing, their open questions and comments raised in development updates. Standup calls are dedicated to participants and their discussion, some mentors might show up occasionally. These calls occur weekly. Use this link to attend the weekly standup.

Office hours

In addition to the weekly standup calls, we hold Office Hours calls which can be focused on specific topics proposed in advance. Find the upcoming call agenda in Issues. Anybody can propose topic for this call by in its tracking issue. Office Hours are regularly happening on every Tuesday, 15:00 UTC.

If you need any further assistance, contact cohort organizers @joshdavislight @taxmeifyoucan