
Rocketseat Node.js Formation Challenge 01

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Task Management API

About the Challenge

In this challenge, you will develop an API to perform CRUD operations on your tasks. The API must include the following functionalities:

  • Creating a task
  • Listing all tasks
  • Updating a task by id
  • Removing a task by id
  • Marking a task as complete by id
  • And the real challenge: Importing tasks in bulk via a CSV file

Functional Requirements

Task Structure

A task must have the following properties:

  • id - Unique identifier for each task
  • title - Title of the task
  • description - Detailed description of the task
  • completed_at - Date when the task was completed. The initial value should be null
  • created_at - Date when the task was created
  • updated_at - Should always be updated to the date when the task was last updated

Routes and Business Rules

POST - /tasks

  • Create a new task in the database.
  • The title and description fields must be sent in the body of the request.
  • The id, created_at, updated_at, and completed_at fields should be automatically filled as per the property guidelines.

GET - /tasks

  • List all tasks saved in the database.
  • It should also be possible to search for tasks by filtering by title and description.

PUT - /tasks/:id

  • Update a task by id.
  • The body of the request should contain only title and/or description.
  • Validate if the id belongs to a task saved in the database before updating.

DELETE - /tasks/:id

  • Remove a task by id.
  • Validate if the id belongs to a task saved in the database before deleting.

PATCH - /tasks/:id/complete

  • Mark a task as complete or revert it to incomplete.
  • Validate if the id belongs to a task saved in the database before updating.

Non-Functional Requirements


  • The API must be able to handle a large number of simultaneous requests.
  • The bulk import of tasks via CSV should be efficient and able to process large volumes of data without significant performance degradation.


  • Input validation should be rigorous to prevent SQL injection and other common vulnerabilities.
  • Error responses should not expose internal system details.


  • The code should be modular and follow good programming practices, facilitating maintenance and future expansion.
  • Clear documentation should be provided on how to use the API, including request and response examples.


  • The API should have high availability and be resilient to failures.
  • Appropriate logging should be implemented to monitor and diagnose issues.


  • The API should be simple and intuitive for developers to use.
  • API responses should be clear and consistent.


  • The API should be compatible with current versions of major browsers and HTTP client tools.
  • It should be easy to integrate the API with other applications and services.


The Task Management API should provide an efficient and secure way to manage tasks, including CRUD operations and bulk import via CSV. By following the described functional and non-functional requirements, the API should offer a robust and reliable experience for users.