
🍔 recipe MVC application made in python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

🍔 Foodfy MVC application

📌 Content

🚀 About

This repository contains the source code of the Foodfy recipe management system. The technologies used are described in Technology. This project is still under development and can be consulted here

💻 Technology

🛠️ Installation and Configuration

To execute the project in a development environment, it is necessary to have the tools installed. Can be consulted in the technology section

Virtual environment

It is recommended to create a virtual development environment


Required has the most updated version of [postgres] (https://www.postgresql.org/). Change the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI variable in the settings.toml configuration file

SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'postgresql://postgres:1234@localhost/foodfydb'

Installation of Dependencies

Run the command to perform the dependency installation

pip install -r requirements.txt

Flask Env

It is necessary to configure the flask environment variables with the values FLASK_ENV='development' e FLASK_APP=app/app.py

⚙️ Running the Application

Run Application in development mode after installation and configuration

flask run

🐛 Issues

I would love to review your pull request! Open a new issue

🤝 Contribution

Feel free to contribute to the project. I am open for suggestions. Click here to open a new issue or take part in the development project 😄

⚖️ License

This project uses MIT License. Click here to access

Developed 💙 by Fredson Chaves