
This is a Cheat sheet for all obsidian users whether you started yesterday or in 2021 or in the beta

Obsidian Cheat Sheet and Shortcut Keys 🔮

There is a pdf file named 'Obsidian-CHeat-Sheet.pdf' which has all the possibe formatting, which was found from - https://rossgriffin.com/tutorials/obsidian-basics-guide/

This was taken from - https://github.com/ieshreya/Obsidian-Cheat-Sheet

Word Formatting & Coding Blocks Links, Quotes & Tables

Markdown Cheat Sheet 💻

Mini Cheat Sheet (click to expand) ✨
# Heading 1

## Heading 2

-- Spacer  

- Bullet Points

- [x] Checklist



***Italic Bold***



<p> paragraphs</p>

<u> underline </u>

```Coding Blocks```



> Quotes/ Blockquotes

Table Cell A  |  Table Cell B
----          |          ----


<kbd> keyboard shortcut </kbd>

Detailed Cheat Sheet (click to expand) 🔥

Heading 1

# Heading 1

Heading 2

## Heading 2

Line Break


  • Bullet Points

- Bullet

  • Checklist

- [x] list





Italic Bold



==this text is highlighted==



paragraph- here no matter how much lines you have within the tags, it will all come as one paragraph which is visible in obsidian and not on github

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor 
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna 
aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi 
ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu 
fugiat nulla pariatur. 
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt 
mollit anim id est laborum.



Coding Blocks

By putting 3 (`) signs before and after the code.




[[backlink to a note]]

Quotes/ Blockquotes

> this is a quote.

Table Cell A Table Cell B
Table Cell A  |  Table Cell B
----          |          ----



Keyboard shortcuts

<kbd>Ctrl + C</kbd>

Shortcuts ⌨️

General Shortcuts 🕹️

Shortcut Key Functions
Ctrl + S Editor: Saves the file
Ctrl + N Creates a new note
Ctrl + P Open command pallete
Ctrl + O Opens Quick Switcher
Ctrl + Shift + F Search in all files
Ctrl + G Opens graph view
Ctrl + Alt + ← Navigate Back
Ctrl + Alt + → Navigate forth
Ctrl + F Searches current file
Ctrl + E Toggle edit/preview modes
Ctrl + , Open Settings
Ctrl + Tab Next tab
Ctrl + Shift + Tab Previous tab
Alt + Tab Next App
Alt + Shift + Tab Previous App
Win + Tab Task View
Win + Shift + Tab Next Window

Editing Shortcuts 🕹️

Shortcut Key Functions
Ctrl + B Bold Selected Text
Ctrl + I Italicize Selected Text
Ctrl + K Insert External Link to Selected Text
Ctrl + ] Indent
Ctrl + [ Unindent
Ctrl + D Delete current line
Ctrl + V Duplicate current line
Ctrl + Click Open Note in Current Panel via Link
Ctrl + Shift + Click Open Note in New Panel via Link

Useful Plugins from community plugins

  • Obsidian Git
  • Sliding Pnes
  • Excel to Markdown Tables
  • Advanced Tables

NOTE: You will have to add your own hotkey shortcuts for community plugins from the settings

Useful links and have more idea of what obsidian is and how to work on

Supported formatting by obsidian

Element Support
Headings Yes
Paragraphs Yes
Line Breaks Yes
Bold Yes
Italic Yes
Blockquotes Yes
Ordered Lists Yes
Unordered Lists Yes
Code Yes
Horizontal Rules Yes
Images Yes
Tables Yes
Fenced Code Blocks Yes
Footnotes Yes
Heading IDs No
Definition Lists No
Strikethrough Yes
Task Lists Yes
Emoji (copy and paste) Yes
Emoji (shortcodes) No
Highlight Yes
Subscript No
Superscript No
Automatic URL Linking Yes
Disabling Automatic URL Linking Yes

NOTE: HTML Partial Some HTML is sanitized for security purposes.

Other files

File name note
Obsidian shortcuts.xlsx It is a excel sheet which contains all my personal shortcuts for all the functions i use which may differ from the ones mentioned above.
Obsidian shortcuts.pdf It is a pdf copy of the shortcuts excel sheet which i keep open in a tab for quick reference

You've reached the end now. Hope this helped. If yes, consider buying her a small cup of coffee :)